One of the most amazing things to me is collecting the donations from people for Hayden's Toy Drive. I love hearing people's stories, seeing their enthusiasm and watching the joy that comes thru giving. We are so blessed to see the toy drive each year from beginning to end. We know the work but also are blessed to see the true joy in the end.

Each year we have so many phenomenal people that donate so generously. Without such amazing people, there wouldn't be a toy drive. This year, we were given almost $1500.00 to go shopping with. We started at the Disney Store because Hayden had some very specific gifts in mind for the toy drive. The boys in the hospital definitely needed Tron motorcycles, Phinneas and Ferb toys and I knew that a Minnie and a few princesses were needed, as well.
After that we went to a Toys or Us Express. Do you know how great it is to have that much money? It is so exhilarating to just look for what is needed.... crayola wonders, lego sets, little cars, dolls, coloring books, a soft stuffed animal and not worry about the cost, but to just be able to buy what you feel could help lift a child's spirit. There is nothing else like it.
Taking Hayden is such a joy. He is so focused on what the kids could do in bed, what toys the sick kids would agree to get that extra shot for, handle another chemo therapy or be brave enough to go thru surgery for. As we walk thru the store choosing toys, each of those scenarios are brought up. It gives me such an opportunity to talk to Hayden and to teach him. His understanding of working for a greater cause is so clear to him. I am amazed at 9 years old of his understanding and love of other children he has never met. His heart is in it. I love those tender, treasured moments with him as we try to serve to make another's life better. It is something that cannot be explained, only experienced.

As we unload different trips from stores, we label, discuss and talk about how it makes him feel and in what cases he thinks the children will receive these particular toys. It brings such a spirit of giving and Christlike service into our home. The Holy Ghost is present and the feelings are so tender yet overwhelming strong. Usually, I try to identify to Hayden what he is feeling to help him understand. Not this year. As we talked, he said, "Mom, I feel the Holy Ghost so strong right now. He is testifying to my heart that I am doing a good thing. I like this feeling better than when I get presents. Is this what the Savior feels like when he does things for us?" As a mom, I couldn't have had a better feeling. My son has developed a love of Christmas and understands the Spirit of Giving. That is the greatest Christmas present I could have ever been given.

We started this toy drive for the benefit of the sick kids at the hospital. Instead, it has brought such a feeling of love, giving and harmony into our home. I love the lessons that it has taught Hayden and am so grateful for the lessons it has taught.