The count is complete. The toy drive is wrapped up for another year. My heart is filled with emotion. The work involved is sometimes overwhelming. But, to feel the peace, joy and love in my heart as the toys are delivered to the hospital, is a feeling I wouldn't trade and outweighs all the work involved.
As we drove to the hospital this morning, Hayden wasn't feeling well and was a little on the grumpy side. As we pulled into the hospital and started unloading toys, his entire countenance changed. He became the most joyful, happy child.
He excitedly helped carry in toys, wide-eyed he explored the toy drop off room for the toys and smiled as he handed the workers the I-pods. As we climbed back in the car, I asked him how he felt, his response simple, "I feel really happy!"
I am reflecting this evening on the events of this toy drive. The happiness it has brought and the sweet Spirit of giving and serving that has been brought into our home. I am amazed by the generosity of people. I am still in awe of some of the people that brought over toys. They gave of themselves and what they had.
I am most touched by the stories people had to offer. The new people I have met. My most touching was a call I received asking if I could help her find Hayden's mom. As I talked to her on the phone, we shared stories of heart surgeries, doctors, therapists and strategies. I was lucky to talk with people about their stories and their children's stories of hope and love.
Our lives have been enriched, uplifted and blessed through another successful toy drive. My heart feels such peace, such love and the true meaning of Christmas. I feel very thankful! And as Hayden put it, "My heart feels so much happier when I give presents than when I get them!" We are thankful to all of those who donated and helped make this another successful year!